For 27 years, BigBrother has been setting the standard with products and services in the area of security, control and data science. Those who work with us always have the most advanced resources at their disposal. That is a promise. Especially at a time when the energy transition and labour shortage are putting our clients to the test. We help them to turn these challenges into opportunities.

What we hear in various countries:

“You are the first security company that understands what happens in our market.”


Security is not about watching but about opening your eyes


Every step is the beginning of the next one

Innovation has no end. BigBrother has been developing its own systems since 1995. Looking back, we see that every innovation laid the foundation for the next one. This led to a wide range of services and functionalities which, through continuous integration, developed into Watch-it, a unique security platform for the mobility and retail market. And what about tomorrow? Tomorrow we will come up with something new.


We deliver the knowledge you need

Our solutions have been further developed to such an extent that the information they provide can be used for several purposes. For instance, information about theft, fraud, employees’ behaviour, the time transactions take to be completed, the shop presentation, hygiene and customer behaviour. Clearly, BigBrother disposes of big data. Data which we can be translated into relevant information. The resulting insights are the key to success for our customers.


We don’t sell systems, we offer improvement.

What BigBrother delivers has an impact from day one. On the day-to-day business, but also on the future. Every entrepreneur is constantly improving, changing and accelerating his activities. BigBrother not only has the technology for this, but also the associated services. A team of specialists ensures that the flow of data is interpreted correctly. The insights you gain this way support you in your work. In our opinion, security is not about watching, but about opening your eyes.

Facts and Figures

1 platform
17 landen
6.000 locaties
5 miljoen transacties
1 biljoen beelden per dag


We make it work!


We work exclusively with mechanics and engineers trained by us, who understand the bigger picture behind the equipment and systems they work on. And therefore the importance of it. They ensure problem-free installation. Through our helpdesk they are also ready to solve failures that cannot be solved remotely.


With auditing we help you see. Experts in our audit centre can detect patterns that normally remain invisible. They know what is relevant, so they can give you exactly the information you need for fraud, operational and marketing research.


Once the system is implemented, our remote engineer guarantees the functionality. Through smart monitoring, he can fix failures before you notice them. Also, our remote team can always add additional functions as needed.

Our team

BigBrother employs an international team of about a hundred specialists. We attach great importance to everyone's role in that team: from mechanic to software engineer and from project preparer to specialist behind the scenes. BigBrother focuses on the individual development of each employee and invests in innovation of knowledge and skills.

Meeting between co-workers

Matthijs Machielse


Wim Bastiaens

Sales Director BeLux

Annemarie Oosterhof

HR Manager

Harold van der Velde


Aart van Rooijen


Hendrik van der Velde

Team International

Baptiste Goubert

Team International

Dennis Klarenbeek

Sales Executive


Vacancies, internships and careers

To do what we do, you need good people: professionals, who bring technology into action in an efficient way. These people work at BigBrother. The work we deliver is always eye-opening, we are always one step ahead, and we are always looking for new people. If that is something for you: join the club!

Let’s join forces

From our offices in Ede (the Netherlands) and Wilrijk (Belgium), we serve our customers in the Benelux. For the rest of the market, we collaborate with our European network of distributors.

Annemarie Oosterhof

+31 318 6666 99